Falling Exchange Rates Are Not
a Universal Panacea For Exporters (March 2006)
I was somewhat concerned to read Phil Goff’s comments on
the impact of a weakening exchange rate (Goff highlights benefit of
dollar’s drop against US – BusinessDay, March 18, 2006), as, in
common with many commentators, he incorrectly suggests that a weakening
exchange rate is of benefit to all exporters.
exporters of primary produce can benefit from a weakening exchange rate.
This is not the case for all exporters, however.
A high
percentage of manufactured exports contain an element of imported
content, whether that be raw materials or specialised components
incorporated into the main product. A weakening exchange rate increases
the cost of these items and exporters may not gain the full benefits
arising from a fall in the exchange rate.
At the same
time, a falling exchange rate can significantly increase the New Zealand
dollar price of oil, leading to significantly increased transportation
costs, both domestic and international. This will inevitably feed
through as an increase in the cost of delivering product to the end
user; a lift in the rate of inflation; a consequent increase in the cost
of domestic inputs; and a likely increase in demand for wage increases.
None of these factors help increase competitiveness of our exports.
A falling
exchange rate also has an effect on the cost of imported plant and
machinery. Manufacturers are being exhorted to improve productivity.
This, by definition, requires that they regularly upgrade plant and
machinery. A falling exchange rate increases the cost of imported plant
and machinery, discouraging manufacturers from making necessary
A weakening
exchange rate can also discourage manufacturers from taking action to
improve productivity. As the dollar weakens, the price of imported goods
increases, lessening the need for local manufacturers to become more
competitive in the domestic market. In comparison, a strong currency
caused many manufacturers to reassess their cost structure and
production methods in a bid to remain competitive.
What is evident
from Phil Goff’s comments is that many in New Zealand still do not fully
understand the impact that movements in the exchange rate have on the
various components of our economy. My particular concern is that we
should recognise the detrimental effects that a weak currency can have
on the growth of our economy and on the current and future ability of
our manufacturers to compete in international markets.